First Open Call: TARGET-X offers up to €60 000 per entity for 5G and 6G integration to supercharge SMEs’ Digital Transformation

The European project TARGET-X launches its 1st Open Call to strengthen important economic sectors in Europe by integrating 5G and 6G, accelerating the digital transformation. SMEs or micro-consortium composed of 2 SMEs can now apply to the open call:

  • The exact amount of financial support to be granted to each selected entity under the 1st TARGET-X Open Call is a fixed lump sum of up to €60 000 per entity. If you apply as a Consortium composed of 2 entities, you can get up to €120 000 (max €60 000 per entity).
  • The proposed activities must:

    1. address Performance testing or development of devices or solutions oriented to technology providers and use cases applicable to only one topic in one of the following verticals: Manufacturing & robotics, Energy, Automotive, Construction and other topics for the development of new devices / solutions and other topics for evaluation with KPI&KVI-based methodological assessment framework.

    2. aim to reach Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7 during the Support Programme, starting from TRL 3-4, preferably. TARGET-X counts on the participation of European innovative SMEs with a clear commercial ambition and a potential for high growth and internationalisation. The results obtained by the selected projects will be integrated into the TARGET-X project’s repository. The technology developed by the projects must be available in Open-Source Code and with open interfaces for further reutilisation in the subsequent phase (i.e. beneficiaries of the 2nd TARGET-X Open Call).

Target-X will select up to 50 entities, offering self-sustainable business framework and new market opportunities in the Support Programme.

The main ambition of TARGET-X is to advance the state of the art of 5G technology with technical elements “beyond 5G”, integrate those elements in testbeds operated in the project, and validate them in several use cases in four different verticals.

The fifth generation of wireless technology (5G) has arrived and is being rolled out globally. First industrial sectors such as manufacturing are testing the capabilities of 5G showing great potential for ubiquitous connectivity. With the sixth generation (6G), wireless communication will bring several industrial sectors new features, improved performance, and functional benefits. The TARGET-X project envisions accelerating the digital transformation of key verticals:

  • Energy

  • Construction

  • Automotive

  • Manufacturing & Robotics

. using large-scale trials in multiple testbeds.

The eligible candidates can submit their applications through the FundingBox platform microsite created for this purpose by filling up an easy online application form between the 9th of May 2023 at 13:00 Brussels Time until the 26th of July 2023, at 17:00 Brussels Time.